Star Trek Is Secretly Better Than Star Wars

Star Trek Is Secretly Better Than Star Wars

Which side are you on?
Are the two even comparable?
The categories we discuss are:
Visual Effects
In its day the original “Star Trek” television show did break ground when it was released, and even helped pave the way for “Star Wars: A New Hope. Star Trek is a TV series and Star Wars is a saga based on 9 films with massively higher budgets. We’re talking record-breaking amounts of money! But here we are comparing the two! That’s how captivating Star Trek is despite this galactic handicap.

Star Trek is science fiction, Star Wars is more fantastical. The universe is more realistically modeled in “Star Trek” , supposed to be our future living in space, not just set in some spurious “Galaxy Far Far Away.”

The Ships
Star Wars has the Millennium Falcon but it’s nothing compared to the iconic Enterprise.

The score to “Wrath of Khan,” or The Next Generation intro are pretty much unbeatable. I mean c’mon.

Who doesn’t love the concept of a gun, that shoots laser beams rather than bullets. That’s SciFi 101.

Star Wars has a lot less screen time and doesn’t even begin to cover the aliens’ backstories, cultures or even philosophical beliefs like Star Trek does.At best Star Wars aliens are given a prop to suggest some kind of history, but it’s never anything you can get you teeth into.

The Plot
Originally titled Wagon Train to the Stars, Star Trek set out to tell complex, mature stories that use the futuristic backdrop to address problems and issues in contemporary American society, tackling a variety of topics from racism to war and many others.Star Wars has the Force – a magical energy made of midi-chlorians.

Which do you think is best? Star Trek or Star Wars?
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