Best BAD Parking REVENGES!

Best BAD Parking REVENGES!

What is bad parking revenge? Ever seen a car parked taking up 2 empty spaces? Ever want to do something about it? Well some people do. And some people get very creative about it!

Roadrage is usually provoked by annoying erratic drivers. But when the road turns into parking lot, all that pent up rage can explode in the most creative ways.

Perhaps the most common and frustrating parking faux-pas is the knob head who takes up two spaces with his polished sports car. This can lead to many kinds of retaliations. Some will park so close that the offender has to climb in through the boot. Others box them in entirely.
This guy managed to take up two Bus spaces…
Some people respond with sarcasm. Others with shopping trolleys.

This one backfired though… Coz if the guy returns the trolleys, he could make a few dollars…
Then there are the ones who leave a note:

Some people use whatever they’ve got handy to express their anger. Plastic wrapping cars is a thing. Or snow. Or even left over paint. Pickaxes. Chains. Post-its.

Some people have aluminium foil handy. This gold aluminium foil is actually an improvement!
This guy managed to take up 4 parking spaces, and paid the price…
And then there are the ones who take it that extra step further…
Even damaging their own car to get their parking spot.

And finally fireman. Who are legally allowed to take out their frustration at people parked in front of fire hydrants.

Have you ever witnessed heinously bad parking and wanted to do something about it?
Share it in the comments!