10 Secrets Hidden Inside Famous Locations

10 Secrets Hidden Inside Famous Locations

We all recognize these World Famous emblematic landmarks, but you’ll be surprised to discover the secret places hidden inside each of them. From secret rooms to hidden bathrooms, discover them all as we look at 10 Secret Places Hidden Inside Famous Landmarks.

10. The Eiffel Tower, Paris
Gustav Eiffel, the man who’s company built the Eiffel Tower was no fool, as he built in a secret apartment for himself right at the top. This is where Monsieur Eiffel would greet esteemed guests, including Thomas Edison. Today the secret room is open to the public.

9. One Times Square, New York
We all recognize the famous building caked in video screens. But what’s inside? Surprisingly nothing! Well, not nothing, but the building is full of abandoned offices as the company that owned it went bankrupt in 1992 and sold it to an advertising firm.

8. Mount Rushmore, South Dakota
Within this historical landmark is a secret room sculpted into the rock. Hidden inside behind a 1200 hundred pound granite capstone, are the USA’s most important documents, including the Declaration of Independence.

7. City Hall subway station, New York
The City Hall subway station has been abandoned since 1945 as the new trains were too long for making such a sharp turn in the tunnel. You can see City Hall now however, if you stay on train No. 6 until the end of the line when it turns back using that station.

6. Las Vegas Strip, Las Vegas
There is a wide system of hidden tunnels beneath the main entertainment street of Las Vegas which are currently home to several hundred homeless people. The tunnels run for miles passing under iconic places like Caesar’s Palace, and despite the occupants, can flood with over a foot of water with very little warning.

5. The Empire State Building, New York
Everyone knows there’s a lookout platform on floor 102, sure. However, if you work there or are a VIP, you can enjoy the view from the 103rd floor too, where there’s a secret room with a low balcony.

4. The Papal Apartments, Vatican
Within the Vatican, the Pope conducts meetings with world leaders in Cardinal Bibbiena’s former bedroom. Hidden inside this meeting place is an entrance to a secret bathroom decorated by Raphael Santi in 1516 with anything but Holy paintings.

3. Cinderella Castle, Disney World
Inside the magical Disney Castle there is actually a luxury apartment suite. However even the world’s richest millionaire’s can’t reserve it. The only way to stay there is by being lucky enough to win Disney World’s suite lottery every January.

2. Statue of Liberty’s torch, New York
There used to be a staircase leading up to the balcony inside the torch that Lady Liberty holds. But in 1916, the torch was damaged by an explosion, and tourists were banned from it forever. The torch was replaced in 1986, however it still remains closed to the public.

1. Niagara Falls, Canada
Carved into the side of the Niagara Gorge is the small “Cave of the Evil Spirit.” According to Indian legend, many years ago an evil spirit became trapped in this cave. From then on, everyone who visits it will be cursed with a life of misfortune.

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