10 Most Powerful Countries in the World

10 Most Powerful Countries in the World

Our military protects our country both domestically and internationally but not all armies are the same. Here are ten of the most powerful armies in the world.

Turkey has over four hundred and ten thousand military members using over 3,600 tanks and nearly 1,000 aircraft with a budget of about eighteen point two billion dollars. This makes Turkey’s military one of the largest in the eastern Mediterranean, with one of the most powerful tank fleets in the world. Few countries have more submarines than the Turkish Army.

United Kingdom
The United Kingdom has over 205,000 active service members that utilize over 405 tanks, 908 aircraft and 225 nuclear warheads. Their budget ranges from 53 to 65 billion dollars in order to fund this sort of protection.

Germany has a military budget of 40 to 45 billion dollars with over 183,000 active members protecting their country of 80 million people. While they don’t have nuclear warheads or aircraft carriers they have 408 tanks and 710 aircraft. Although they only have 4 submarines.

South Korea
With between thirty two to sixty two billion dollars being allocated to support over 640,000 active duty military members to protect 49 million people, South Korea has to really put out the big guns to protect themselves from North Korea. They have about thirteen submarines, 2,381 tanks and over 1,400 aircraft. South Korea also has the sixth largest airforce in the world.

France has been going through some turmoil lately. But with over 228,656 active service members, a budget of forty three million dollars, funding 423 tanks, 1,203 aircraft and 300 nuclear warheads, their small military is highly focused and precise in their work.

Japan’s population is over 126 million people and out of that the country has over 247,000 members in the military with a budget between 41 to 49 billion dollars. Japan is able to provide their military with 767 tanks 1,595 aircraft and 4 aircraft carriers equipped with only helicopter fleets.

India has 1.3 million active service members to protect their population of 1.2 billion making it one of the largest armies in the world. Not only that, they also have between 80 to 100 nuclear warheads making it a powerful ally and a terrifying enemy. Their budget is about 46 to 50 billion dollars that funds over six thousand tanks and nearly two thousand aircraft.

China has the most military members enlisted with a staggering 2.2 million. Their budget is around 131 million dollars but numbers stagger between 126 to 216 million dollars. China’s army tank numbers are at over nine thousand one hundred and over 2,800 aircraft s. Not to mention that China also has the second strongest submarine fleet behind the United States.

Russia has over seven hundred and sixty-six thousand military members protecting their country’s population of 142 million people. The budget for their armies range anywhere from 76 to 84 billion dollars. What’s interesting about Russia is that they have the most tanks in the world, with 15,000 as well as over 8,400 nuclear warheads.

United States
The United States has a population of over 321 million people of which 1.4 million are enlisted in the military. The budget allocated for the military is around 610 billion dollars that funds over 13,000 aircraft , 8,000 tanks and about 72 submarines. Not to mention the US military also has about seven thousand five hundred nuclear warheads.

Is your country’s army among the biggest?
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