Jurassic Dinosaur Facts You Need to Know

dinosaur facts you need to know

Before you see the new Jurassic Park movie, you might want to brush up on some dino facts and fallacies. Believe it or not, this series of films isn’t always accurate, and there might be some misinformation out there that needs to be debunked. So read through these Jurassic dinosaur facts you need to know, just in case you meet a paleontologist you want to impress.


1. The Tyrannosaurus Rex Did Not Live in the Jurassic Period!

Jurassic Park. Jurassic Park. Now I know this may have come up before so I’ll make it quick. T. rex should not have been in that movie, by about 77 million years. But Cretaceous Park just doesn’t have the same ring to it, does it? Either way, you messed up Michael Crichton. Not as bad as Phil, though.

5 dinosaur facts you need to know